Monthy Specials Schedule

Friday, 31 May 2013

End of Year Reminders

It is hard to believe the end of year is here!  The kids are busy in class finishing up projects, writing fun and adventurous realistic fiction stories, reading every Henry and Mudge story they can get their hands on and working with bigger and bigger numbers in math.  

I wanted to remind you of some important dates that are coming up.  In April I posted a save the date for the portfolio share and that is coming up on June 10th.  Sunday, your child will bring home a form for you to fill out and return on Monday with further details about the portfolio share.  Our Grade One end of year celebration will be on the last day of school, June 13th.  You will be hearing more about that from the room parents soon.

It is also the time of year to round up any and all school library materials and classroom library materials that may have found their way onto your child's bookshelf.

To re-cap:

June 10th - Portfolio Share 12:00 (in the classroom)
June 13th - Last Day of school
                        Noon Dismissal
                        Grade 1 End Of Year Celebration

**If you are leaving for vacation before the end of the school year please let me know ASAP **

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Add BIG numbers

Today we used base ten blocks to practice adding big numbers.

Hats, hats, hats!


SUNDAY we will be outdoors measuring our shadows, please be sure to send a hat with your child.

Making constellations

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Spring Concert

Remember: The ES Spring concert is tomorrow @ 2:00.

Attire for students:

1) best looking TAISM polo shirt (with collar)
2) solid color trousers ( NOT p.e. shorts, pajama style pants, plaid shorts, etc.)
3) nice shoes that fit well (NOT high heels, Crocs, flip flops)

Here is the link for the live stream of the concert:

Monday, 20 May 2013

Creating our Characters

We are embarking on our realistic fiction journey. Today we created the character we will create an adventure for as proceed into our next writing unit of study.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

So special

A big thank you for such an amazing week of goodies and flowers, I feel VERY appreciated.
-Ms. Kelly 

Math Centers

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Space Fact Finders

Today our grade four reading buddies helped us gather facts to help us work towards finding answers to our guiding questions.

Exploring Base Ten Blocks